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Faith Formation

Catechesis is a responsibility of the entire Christian community. This should not be the work of catechists and priests alone but of the whole community of the faithful. The Christian community follows the development of catechetical processes for children, young people, and adults as a duty that involves and binds it directly. (GDC 220) A fully Christian community can exist only when a systematic catechesis of all its members occurs and when an effective and well-developed catechesis of adults is regarded as the central task of the catechetical enterprise.” (ACCC, no. 25).

Becoming Catholic – Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

The RCIA is the process through which individuals are fully initiated into the Catholic Church.  If you are not baptized, baptized in another Christian denomination, baptized Catholic without celebrating the Sacraments of Confirmation and/or Eucharist, and if you are interested in becoming a member of or completing your initiation into the Roman Catholic Church, then please call Donna at 610-446-0200 or e-mail

Legion of Mary

St. Denis Legion of Mary meets on TUESDAY evenings at 6:00 PM in the Rectory Meeting Room.

Walking With Purpose - A Woman's Bible Study

A Powerful Women’s Bible Study on the Blessed Mother

Have you ever wondered why Mary is so important to our faith as Catholics? We turn to her in prayer, in the Mass, in the Rosary, and in Marian devotions. We honor her with special feasts celebrating the significant events in her life. We place images of her in our churches and homes.

Join us for Mary: A Biblical Walk with the Blessed Mother, an extraordinary study that reveals Mary’s unique role in God’s Kingdom and in our lives. Filmed on location in the Holy Land, Mary: A Biblical Walk with the Blessed Mother will place you in the midst of the powerful drama of her earthly life, taking you through her joys and her sorrows. You will learn how she works in our lives today, drawing us ever closer to her divine Son. Mary will become a part of your daily life and help you to become more like Christ.

St. Denis and Annunciation Parishes will be hosting this women’s bible study at Annunciation School, beginning Thursday, January 9th, from 7:00-8:30pm, and continuing every Thursday evening through March 27th.   For more information or to register for this 12-week study, email June Mariano-Pile (  In order to have enough time for the shipment of books, please register by December 5th.  The registration price is $29, which covers the cost of the Study book.


That Man Is You! - TMIY

That Man is You! (TMIY) honestly addresses the pressures and temptations that men face in our modern culture, especially those relating to their roles as husbands and fathers. The program harmonizes current social and medical science with the teachings of the Church and the wisdom of the saints to develop the vision of man fully alive! -TMIY was started by Paradesius Dei and is now active in over 600 parishes across the country.

Join men from the local area every Saturday morning from September through April at 7:05 AM in the Cafeteria on the grounds of Cardinal Foley School. (300 E. Eagle Road)


6:45 AM – Light breakfast and coffee

7:05 AM – TMIY video begins

7:35 AM – Small group discussion

8:05 AM – Closing

****Feedback from previous experiences:

  • “I leave each session motivated to be a better husband and dad, and a better man and leader. I’ve come to look forward to that weekly dose of encouragement.”
  • “The videos are well-made and engaging. I like that they use current science and look at examples of leadership throughout history.”
  • “I’ve come to really value the small group discussions after the video. I appreciate the various perspectives of the other guys in the group. Getting to know and trust the guys has been great, and I now feel support from them.”
  • “I’ve looked at some of these guys for years at church not knowing their names, and now I call them friends and brothers.”

For more information about joining the discussion contact:

John Volk at or 267-250-1236


John Boring at or 808-551-5939


Jim Coffey at or 610-609-1965


St. Denis has a subscription to a wonderful resource called FORMED.  It’s easy and free to register.  Go to and click on register.  You will then be directed to enter your name and email.  You are then ready to enjoy FORMED!