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“There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone.” 1 Corinthians 12:4-6

Our Parish offers many different opportunities for returning our gifts of time and talent to God. As stewards of God-given skills and abilities, volunteering in a ministry or organization provides a way to thank God, share our faith with others, and enhance our community.

Ministers/Altar Server Schedule

Please visit the Sign Up Genius through the link below to check mass availability. As always, your willingness to serve is greatly appreciated.  Thank you.

Altar Servers

This ministry provides members of the parish with a true opportunity to function as lay ministers by reverently assisting the celebrant and/or deacon during Daily Mass,  Sunday Mass, and at special liturgies throughout the year.

If you are a current altar server, please visit this Sign Up Genius link to schedule SUNDAY masses:

If you wish to consider this ministry, please contact The Parish Office at 610-446-0200

Knights of Columbus

Knights of Columbus Council #16428 serves St. Denis parish and the greater Havertown community. For more information about council events or meetings and how you can put your Faith in Action, contact:

Mike Mafodda or call/text 610-247-2503


John Boring email or call/text 808-551-5939

Caring For Friends

Formally known as Aid For Friends, Caring For Friends is an all-volunteer, non-denominational program whose mission is to alleviate the hunger and loneliness of isolated, homebound individuals right in our local area.

Volunteers like you prepare one or more extra dinners when cooking family meals. It’s a great way to use your leftovers!  The meals are dropped off at the St. Denis freezer located in the garage of our Parish Office parking lot.

You can pick up the meal tray tins in the garage as well.

The frozen meals are collected weekly and delivered by our volunteer visitors.  Most of our friends are elderly individuals who could not otherwise remain in their homes without the support of the meals we provide at no charge.

Do you like to cook? Do you like to drive? You could help people in need while doing something you enjoy.

Meals are especially needed during the summer.

To find out more about how you can become involved, please contact:

Tonya Baer  610-574-8600

Emily Otto   610-574-6870

Informational Links

Mercy Project

Based on a few of the Corporal Works of Mercy (Feed the Hungry, Give Drink to the Thirsty, Shelter the Homeless) and the story of The Good Samaritan,  7th-grade student Mollyanne Brophy, in conjunction with Mrs. Brophy’s 5th grade PREP class, have begun creating Blessing Bags to distribute to our homeless neighbors personally.

These bags contain water bottles, food (granola, peanut butter, dried fruit…), hygiene items, and articles of warmth/cleanliness (gloves, socks, underwear).

Periodically, groups/families will distribute these bags, in person, to homeless in our area (Phila., Upper Darby, ?)

We invite all of you to participate as Good Samaritans in helping these neighbors on the side of the road.   You may contribute items, assemble bags, and/or join us in delivering these bags.  All are welcome to participate in any way you see fit.

If you have any questions?

The Brophys:  or  610-449-6145

Mercy Hospice Casseroles

Please join us in feeding women and children in need. Prepare, freeze, and label a casserole meal to be dropped off at the Fun Fair Kitchen.  Drop off is the THIRD Wednesday of each month between 7:00 PM and 8:00 PM. Other items such as frozen vegetables, coffee, cookies, juice, etc., are welcome. Disposable aluminum pans will be offered to you carside. Contact Mary Cartafalsa at 610-449-4103 or cell 610-505-1336 with any questions.